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start the business of education

Many complained that to open a business opportunity is not there. This is a classic complaint that can not be with us again. Indeed, to start a business we can do with a variety of ways, one with the education that we have. Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo start a business with education. They are students from Stanford University. Yahoo started from the back parking lots is now growing rapidly. Jerry Yang and David Filo started the business from small and simple. Jerry Yang describes the discovery that Yahoo is "an accident" when he and Filo tesisnya complete. Filo and that this launch Yahoo when they sit in the universities, before they complete studies. They start doing business with the listing several web sites that they like and write some software that allows a website to get other web sites that will be placed on a web portal called. At the time established in 1994, named Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they know that their sites visited by people from 90 countries, spontaneously say "Yahoo" and finally the words that are used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reach star status. Net income in quadruplicate fourth quarter of 57.6 million dollars, while revenue jump from 91 million dollars into 201 million dollars. Now, Yahoo is the best portal in 2002.

Kiichiro Toyoda merupakan putra dari pendiri perusahaan Toyoda Spinning & Weaving Co, yang bergerak di bidang perkakas tenun otomatis. Setelah menyelesaikan studi teknik mesin, ia memutuskan untuk memulai bisnis dengan mengubah perusahaan tersebut menjadi produksi mobil dan mengubah nama perusahaan tersebut dari Toyoda menjadi Toyota pada tahun 1936. Kiichiro Toyoda menjadi Presiden Direktur perusahaan Toyota sampai tahun 1950. Mobil pertama yang dibuat adalah Model AA kemudian Model Crown. Kantor di luar negeri yang didirikan pertama adalah di Taiwan dan kemudian Arab Saudi. Perusahaan inipun mulai memproduksi truk-truk forklift (bak/gandengan), yang menjadikan perusahaan nomor satu di dunia pada pasar ini. Truk-truk ini memasuki pasar Amerika tahun 1958 dan pasar Inggris tahun 1965. Tetapi untuk Model Crown gagal memasuki Amerika, karena mobil tersebut didesain untuk pasar Jepang, tidak didesain untuk jalan-jalan bebas hambatan di Amerika. Akhirnya Toyota membuat Corolla pada tahun 1968 dan meraih kesuksesan sehingga dapat menggeser Volkswagen sebagai mobil impor nomor satu di Amerika. Bahkan menembus jantung kota Amerika dengan menggandeng General Motors untuk membuat mobil-mobil Toyota di Amerika. Camry merupakan mobil dengan penjualan tersukses di Amerika pada tahun 1997. Toyota sekarang merambah bisnis ke bidang lain, yaitu pelayanan keuangan, telekomunikasi, perumahan, mesin-mesin angkatan laut, kapal-kapal rekreasi, distribusi bagian-bagian dan pelayanan penerbangan. Sekarang Toyota merupakan pembuat mobil nomor tiga di dunia setelah General Motor dan Ford. Yoyota telah menjual 5 juta kendaraan per tahun.

Pierre Omidyar started the business with a degree in computer science. He was interested in developing the technology for different products and consumers love the idea that he can take the concept with all the way through the delivery of products to consumers, and their reaction shows and changing them. Internet gives you a place to do it, because you can publish software quickly, you can get a reaction from your customers quickly and Andapun do know if the error quickly. He thinks, how the auction in Paris of participants do not go to Paris, but in their homes or offices in each. Finally Omidyar founded on the Internet auction company with the name eBay in 1995. Before Omidyar founded eBay with i establish eSharp, which provide experience as Entrepreneurs. eBay is a company that relies on trust. Imagine! People want to pay what dilelangkan with only see an image only. Without trust this company will not run. Net income more than three times reached 1.35 million dollars in the third quarter of 1999, with sales increased to 58.5 million dollars. The amount of that conduct registration on the site eBay increased from 5.6 million to be 7.7 million compared with the previous quarter and increased 1.3 million dollars in the same period the previous year. Penjulan value of the goods on the web site jump from 195 million dollars into 741 million dollars. eBay auction is the best company in the Internet in 2002, the magazine version of Yahoo.

About what makes you great. What separates you and I made history as Entrepreneurs "said Anita Roddick. With the history of his love of the environment eventually make the concept of "natural", to make herb-pure ingredients, do not test on animals and friendly to the environment and indigenous population, where the herb-derived ingredients. With almost no advertising at all but with the publicity that is very passive, The Body Shop has become one of the legends of the world.

Ir. Ciputra start a business with the education field of architecture and properties, because it of Architecture faculty alumni ITB 1960. Ciputra now as the President Director of PT Ciputra Development (CD) and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Realty (JR) and the CEO off the public's best 1997 version Sembada Swa magazine.

My education after completing a Master of Arts Management with friends established the Masters of Business Administration, in cooperation with the West Coast of the Institute of Management and Technology, Australia and Warnbrough University, the United Kingdom before any regulations on the MBA program. Once the rules are and then establish a Master of Arts Management Program at STIE "Artha body Iswara" Surabaya. Currently, students Magister Management Program is about 1000 students, perhaps the Master's Program Management that the number of students in Indonesia. So Andapun can start your business with education, and when the course.


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