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Choosing an insurance company that is not easy either. Moreover, in the middle of the tight competition among insurance companies such as now.

Many insurance companies claim they are the best. This can be seen if there are insurance products offered to the public through ads, virtually no less. Similarly, the performance that they do, always show a better course. Rather management of insurance companies rarely express the weaknesses of their natural.

However, there are several factors that should be considered in the process of choosing a particular insurance company for life insurance and losses.
It should be remembered that in choosing a private insurance company, then that must be considered in general are three factors: First, the financial strength of the (security). Second, services (service). And third, cost.
The financial strength of insurance companies concerning the financial ability to meet the promise if circumstances require. This is an important unknown, because not a few insurance companies that appear in the outer dressed. For example, terraced building, vehicle direksinya good-good. But when the claims of customers, the company is unable to pay.

In assessing the financial strength of this some measurements that need attention.
car insurance

Asset and liabilitasnya. This report can be viewed from the balance sheet that was announced in the newspapers. See also, whether the investment is planted in the current or longterm. In terms of liability (ability to settle obligations) will be visible in the balance, how utangnya on reasuradur, how he would fulfill the obligation to pay claims, and others.

Indicators of liability, among others, net equity (capital) divided by net premium (premium net) at least 50%. Capital divided gross premium (gross premium) at least 20%. Solvabilitasnya limit level, visible from the capital itself divided minimum net premium of 10% and investment funds are divided backup technique at least 100%.

Policy underwriting. In the balance sheet and annual report will be seen that insurance is still destiny, or profit growth. This means underwiting polcy it good.

Underwriter-them. Insurance employees have qualified or not. It is known from the profile that contains the company's underwriter.

Services (service) is the extent to which the mirror of human resources at the company is quality or not. Moreover, the insurance company is to sell services, the service is the prime key. For example, the extent to which the speed of service in the police to issue especially in the payment of claims or MORE. In addition, concerning the service could actually be perceived by customers. Is the insurance company is really to provide the best service for its customers.

In this relationship should also question whether insurance companies in the reinsurance mereasuransikan is that security is first class. This can be seen from the annual report. This is crucial, because if the company is not in - back up by reinsurance, the company is likely be received in the speculative premium.
Masalah biaya adalah seberapa besar biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan asuransi dalam operasionalnya. Kalau lebih besar biaya dibanding pemasukan, maka jelas perusahaan tersebut tidak efisien. Kalau sudah tidak efisien, maka ujung-ujungnya akan mengalami kerugian. Dan kalau terus-menerus rugi, pasti tidak sehat.

Dalam hubungan ini bisa juga dilihat harga preminya. Bandingkan harga premi asuransi yang sama dengan asuransi yang lain. Mana yang kualitasnya betul-betul baik.

Dewasa ini pemerintah sudah menentukan salah satu tolok ukur kesehatan asuransi (bukan satu-satunya) yaitu melalui mekanime RBC (risk base capital). Kalau angka RBC-nya besar, ini berarti perusahaan tersebut dinilai dalam kondisi baik. Tetapi kita tidak boleh terpaku semata-mata dengan angka RBC. Sebab, bisa pula terjadi perusahaan besar yang sedang melakukan ekspansi besar-besaran seperti membuka banyak kantor cabang, maka angka RBC-nya pasti akan kecil.

Sebaliknya, ada perusahaan asuransi yang kecil tetapi tidak pernah melakukan ekspansi, maka angka RBC-nya mungkin jauh lebih besar.

Jadi, angka RBC tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai satu-satunya ukuran, apakah perusahaan asuransi itu sehat atau tidak.

Dalam hal ini yang juga patut diperhatikan adalah kinerja perusahaan tersebut dalam dua atau tiga tahun terakhir. Seberapa besar keuntungan yang diperoleh tiap tahun, berapa besar premi bruto yang mereka terima tiap tahun, seberapa besar penambahan modal dan aset setiap tahun.

Dan yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah bagaimana perilaku manajemen perusahaan tersebut selama ini. Adakah manajemen perusahaan itu selama ini ingkar janji? Pernahkah manajemen perusahaan ini mengalami wanprestasi, dan lain sebagainya.

Cars are the assets. So, do not treat your car vain, including in the parking lot. Because currently, various vehicle theft both two wheels and four remain high. Ascertained, almost every day there are only victims lose the vehicle.

About this issue rather not only be the responsibility of officials, officers or park keepers only, but also the responsibility of the owners themselves.

Here are some tips obtained from a mailing list (mailing list) that the content of information about the assets we maintain that form in order to secure the car or at least be spared from the crime.
If you use the services of a driver to slide into any of the will and take a long time, then should not the driver was left waiting in the car. Why? Its thief can easily hold and ask the drivers and key documents. If the driver can not entrust even die. So, should he asked out and wait outside the car is locked while continuing to monitor the car.
If not using a driver and accidental use your car, which is the type of vehicle by some certain circles is called "Cars Millions of people" aka Toyota Kijang, it is advisable to disconnect the distributor or Distributors seat and steering lock installed a cross-shaped stick in the middle column. Not recommended base model stick the ball in the only patch. For the skeleton by the steering that can be removed and replaced with his own steering.
How the alarm? If this is the only "keeper" car, then this is not recommended. For, some of observation and experience, the alarm is not considered effective because often there is a car that looks an alarm roar-roaring requested be taken even by some keepers around the left. Recommended, in addition to the alarm, there is still anticipating form of the other.
The modus operandi is attempting to plate another car in the parking lot, and then replaced with the number plate of the car escaped. Now, the thief is out with a relaxed, while a ticket for parking her indicated that, based on notes parking is valid. Ahahah plus if outside of the plate number and then re-opened again and placed in the car, then out again a report to the parking guard that karcisnya lost. And if checked by parking, so he can show all the completeness of the vehicle including a valid vehicle registration, police correct number, engine number is correct, but the number body. Can be, he was about to pay a fine of thousands of dollar but he can roll out while kangkong steal a car.


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