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Lalu isilah data-data Anda di Payoneer tsb, setelah Anda Isi tunggulah kira-kira 20 hari kartu Anda sampai di rumah Anda, setelah kartu debit Anda sampai lalu aktivasilah ikuti petunjuk yg ada disurat yg dikirim bersama dg kartu Anda. Nah gampangkan ….Hanya dg menjadi member FrindFinder Anda bisa dapat kartu mastercard dari payoneer kalau Anda langsung daftar di payoneer Anda tidak bisa mendapatkannya karena country untuk Indonesia tidak ada.Lihatlah kembali email Anda, nah disana Anda akan diberikan username dan password untuk affiliate. Login sebagai member dg login sebagai affiliate itu beda.Dengan gabung di affiliate FriendFinder Anda juga sudah gabung dg kroni-kroninya FrindFinder, byk sekali ternyata, ada adultfrindfinder dll, memang situs ini berbau porno tapi kita hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja. Saya bukan mengajak Anda untuk berporno ria, tapi hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja, yaitu kartu debit dan dolarnya.

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Games' Bush thrown Shoes 'Be Money Source

London - One of the game throwing shoes on the Internet at George W Bush, Sock and Awe, make the author fall blessing. The game was successfully sold via auction site eBay with prices quite expensive.

Is Alex Tew, a British men's home game that can improve the site played it. Millions of Internet users have to play it at this time and of course make the popular online game.

Video games such as these are indeed many events related to some time ago in which the United States president, George W Bush is being thrown shoes at a visit to Iraq. Perpetrators who was a journalist even considered as heroes.

However, many users saking game 'Sock and Awe', a server owned by Alex Tew also be overload. He confessed to maintain overwhelmed server remains stable.

That is, Tew was finally decided to melegonya only via eBay, just a lapse of four days since the game creation. This step is effective because many parties want to buy with prices quite expensive.

The successful bidder is a company buy the Internet home of English redeem the price of U.S. $ 7818. Dilansir such as Reuters and cited detikINET, Monday (22/12/2008).

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DS roasted House, Nintendo sued Rp 2.5 M

United States - An insurance company Nintendo claim of U.S. $ 236,304 or about Rp 2.5 billion. The Nintendo DS adapter that is causing the problems have been alleged to cause a fire house.

Quoted detikINET from 411mania, on Tuesday (23/12/2008), an insurance company called Liberty Mutual this rate DS adapter with problems experienced Overheat and triggering a fire at a home in Kentucky in January 2007.

The owner of the house and get compensation from Liberty Mutual. However, as if looking for scapegoat, insurance companies try to get the cost of this change because the rate of Nintendo products from Japanese companies as a ringleader of fire.

Nintendo any more after this accusation and asked not long after they criss recall 200 thousand adapter DS in Japan because of Overheat issues.

A result of this accusation, the possibility is also not closed later if Nintendo will also make a withdrawal of the adapter DS in the United States.

Fransiska Ari Wahyu - detikinet

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Belgium seize the Baby Sale Through Internet

Amsterdam - There are no action-Belgium this pair. Because of money, they are desperate to sell the heart via the Internet. As a result of the government that is acting. Babies who have owned Dutch pair was taken back home.

"Baby is now in the hands of the Belgian government will then decide the next, what will be done later," said commission spokesperson for the protection of children Netherlands, Kees Dijkman, AFP quoted detikINET time, on Wednesday (24/12/2008).

Previous ago in November, the judge ordered the court in the Netherlands so that the baby known as Baby Jayden commission is under the protection of children.

This baby sold Belgian pair, and would be adopted pair of Dutch origin was not kunjung children. And according to the information, the Dutch pair have a baby after viewing ads on the Internet.

Known pair windmill home country is to bring the baby, born after several hours in a hospital in the city of Ghent in Belgium in July 2008 ago. Babies are sold with the price range of Rp 70-140 million.

Indra Subagja - detikinet

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Google Earth Discover 'Lost World'

London - In the past, the adventurers must not squander of direction to find the areas that have not dijamah. But now, scientists can rely on online map service Google Earth to find new exploration areas.

Begitupun with a group of scientists from the British group called Kew Gardens. They succeeded to find area berjuluk 'lost world', full of rare and exotic species thanks to the help of Google Earth.

'The world is missing' in the form of virgin forest that is still not tereksplorasi and Mozambique in the country, in the area of Mount Mabu. The wild life experts, ignoring previous medannya because this region is difficult and the war in Mozambique, which continues to berkecamuk.

After researching via Google Earth, researchers have come to the UK 'lost world' that. So far, in a short time they have found the exotic species such as the dwarf chameleon, a new species of butterfly, giant snakes, and rare bird colonies.

Head expedition, Jonathan Timberlake will be surprised that the number of wild life that they find there. Previously, scientists had not have come to the area, the name was not even in the conventional map.

In fact, according to Jonathan, Mozambique is also most people do not realize the existence of that place. Luckily, scientists successfully find this via Google Earth. Such as dilansir DailyMail and cited detikINET, Tuesday (23/12/2008).

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Rev EVDO network. A Smart

Jakarta - Smart successful record himself into the first CDMA operator in Indonesia to launch EVDO Rev.A technology to the commercial wireless telecommunications products via Jump. How abilities?

But before that, it's good to know we are better with EVDO itself. EVDO, or Evolution Data Only / Evolution Data Optimized is a standard for wireless data transmission in third generation (3G) using radio frequency technology in the telecommunications CDMA.

EVDO saat ini memiliki beberapa standar revisi. Dinamai secara alfabetikal, dimulai dari EVDO Rev. 0 (Zero), Rev A. dan yang sedang dalam pengembangan adalah Rev B. Masing-masing standar ini mempunyai beberapa perbedaan dalam kapasitas bandwidth transmisinya.

EVDO memanfaatkan jaringan CDMA 2000 untuk menyediakan akses kepada perangkat telekomunikasi mobile networks dengan antarmuka pada kecepatan 2,4 Mbps untuk Rev 0 dan 3,1 Mbps untuk Rev. A. Namun itu semua tergantung dari daya tangkap sinyal dan jaringan di tempat user berada.

Sebab, cara kerja EVDO masih bergantung pada jaringan jangkauan BTS. Ada kalanya pada saat tertentu para user mengakses internet di tempat dimana tidak ada jaringan yang mendukung EVDO.

Namun jangan khawatir, bila terjadi seperti ini, biasanya secara otomatis user akan dipindahkan ke standar mode 1X-RTT. Artinya, mereka tetap dapat melakukan akses internet tetapi menggunakan kemampuan 1X yakni dengan transfer data hanya 152 Kbps.

Begitu pula yang coba ditawarkan Smart dengan produk Jump-nya. Meskipun user menggunakan produk ini diluar area yang belum tercover jaringan EVDO Smart, maka mereka akan dilayanai oleh network 1x.

Instalasi hingga Pengujian

Dalam kemasan Jump, Smart membekali user dengan petunjuk instalasi secara manual ataupun dalam file, charger untuk modem, USB Extended dan CD intalasi.

Sayangnya, untuk proses instalasi software (driver) agak sedikit menyulitkan. Dikarenakan autorun yang dijalankan pada CD instalasi bukan untuk instalasi program melainkan hanya untuk membuka file pada CD tersebut. Alhasil, user harus mengistal secara manual dan tentunya akan sedikit merepotkan jika kita tidak mengetahui driver mana yang tepat untuk modem tersebut.

Selain itu, yang juga perlu digaris bawahi adalah, pada modem yang digunakan tidak tersedia aplikasi untuk instal driver. Akibatnya, bagi laptop user yang tidak memiliki optikal disk -- seperti pada netbook -- harus mengkopi terlebih dahulu driver tersebut di flasdisk, baru melakukan proses penginstalan.

Ketika semua proses intalasi selesai, user selanjutnya tinggal memasukkan konfigurasi sesuai dengan yang tertera pada petunjuk instalasi yang disertakan.

Dengan label EVDO Rev. A, Jump diklaim Smart mampu menembus kecepatan hingga 3,1 Mbps untuk download dan 1,8 Mbps untuk upload. Namun itu kembali lagi kalau jaringan yang didapat dalam keadaan maksimal.

Sebab, ketika dilakukan pengujian oleh detikINET di beberapa wilayah, rasanya sulit untuk mendapatkan kecepatan maksimal tersebut.

Di daerah Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan misalnya, hasil pengujian terhadap produk ini hanya menunjukkan kemampuan download 137 Kbps dan 99 Kbps untuk upload. Sementara ketika pengujian dilakukan agak keluar dari Jakarta -- ke daerah Bekasi -- hasil yang didapat adalah 157 Kbps untuk download dan hanya 74 kbps untuk upload.

Terhitung kecil memang, namun untuk membuka situs-situs berat yang dijejali tampilan grafis dan video dirasa tak terlalu lelet, serta lebih kencang ketimbang menggunakan jaringan dial up.

Selain berfungsi sebagai modem internet, alat ini juga bisa digunakan layaknya ponsel. User bisa mengirim/menerima sms hingga untuk melakukan panggilan telepon. User juga ditawarkan 2 jenis perhitungan pemakaian, yaitu mau berbasis pulsa (dalam bentuk rupiah) dan berbentuk quota bandwidth.

Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet

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Oracle profit of U.S. $ 1.3 billion

San Francisco (Bloomberg): Oracle Corp., software producer in the world's second largest, recorded little change in profit in the quarter after customers II to update the annual contract.

Recorded net income of U.S. $ 1.3 billion, or U.S. $ 25 cents per share, the same as the previous year, said the company based in Redwood City, California in this statement to PR Newswire.

Including income from the acquired companies, sales rose 6% to U.S. $ 5.69 billion in the period ended 30 November, the decline from the average of estimates collected Bloomberg.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Larry Ellison, 64, has spent more funds from U.S. $ 34.5 billion for the maker and a number of companies to add customers. This step provides a source of income for the Oracle contract from supporters.

The majority of clients automatically renew the agreement, which contributed to the profit even though sales to weaken the new products.

Not including the cost of acquisition and compensation, recorded a profit of U.S. $ 34 cents per share, in line with analyst estimations. They project sales of U.S. $ 5.82 billion.

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your earnings as below:

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College Loan Consolidation For Students

For most students who incurred various debts and loans opted for a college loan consolidation. For the most students the benefits and advantages out weights the pitfalls. Thus understanding the basics of college loan consolidation gives more options.

Few families and high-school students can afford to pay for a traditional college education without some financial aid, either in the availability of loans or scholarships. Many students who have student loans and are getting stress out with their financial management choose to take a college loan consolidation.

Students currently enrolled in high school that are looking towards the future and college, may not have the costs of their schooling in mind when considering where to apply. Student loan consolidation basically lowers the monthly payment for all the student loans taken earlier.

You can always engage remission if you make a college loan consolidation or a school loan consolidation for all your student loans. Federal Student Loans set up several benefits over private loans. Applying for financial aid or student loan consolidation can seen overwhelming, but it is really quite steady.

Stafford Loans are low interest rate loans borrowed in the students own name. There is no credit report review. Co-signers are not required. The funds for Stafford Loans are provided by private lenders and are subsidized and guaranteed by the Federal government. Generally, federal consolidation loans are easier to put than their private consolidation loan counterparts.

The Direct Federal Loan Consolidation program offers a special income-contingent option to students who permit borrowed at a heavy level. One of the advantages to a consolidation loan is that the new interest rate is a weighted average of the interest rates of the combined loans rounded to the nearest 1/8 of a percent. Even if you put already consolidated loans before, we can refinance lone loan from solitary institution. Stafford loans, PLUS loans, private loans, they are all eligible for consolidation.

Varying scholarships put varying requirements If you are going to settle upon a college loan consolidation or a school loan consolidation get hold of sure to look for the lowest rate of interest so that will not hurt you in the long run. Scholarships are provided by colleges and universities to their prospective students, as well as by private organizations, churches, insurance and mutual companies, and public service organizations. All scholarships carry fostering deadlines and minimum requirements. It is also always a good idea to find your high school counselor to check into local scholarships.

Most scholarships are based on academic merit, athletic skills, religious affiliations, gender, or ethnicity. Many students interested in obtaining assistance with future college costs, apply for specific scholarships.

The Federal Stafford Loans, available to both undergraduate and graduate students, are one of the top-notch affordable ways to pay for school. No credit check is required during the wizardry and there are no fees (in fact, the government prohibits lenders from charging fees) and no exercises verifications The improvement consists of a short federal form listing your contact answer and detailing the loans you owe, who currently holds them and what the balances and interest rates are. Anyone with qualifying federal student loans or federal parent loans is eligible for student loan consolidation.

You can apply as soon as you finish school or after your loans go into a grace or repayment period.Be aware that your current lender may view you as a captive customer and as a result may not be as motivated to offer you additional incentives to consolidate.

In order to permit a better handle on your debt burden, accept a school loan consolidation or college loan consolidation. Given the government sympathize with and subsidy, consolidation loans are very profitable for private lenders.

Being well armed with the knowledge and understanding of college loan consolidation may give you the advantage of negotiating a better deal. College loan consolidation is available to almost any student but you to apply and qualify for it.

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Fast College Loan

College education ensures you the brightest future with the fact of being expensive. That’s why there is always a need of College Loan. Searches have shown that about 52% of financial aid comes in the form of loan. College loan programs can help fill the gap between your savings and the cost of college.

Today, becoming a college student almost certainly means becoming a college loan borrower, too. With College Loans you don’t have to worry about making enough money to pay for each semester and you can concentrate more on your studies. Many students and parents takes the opportunity of College Loan to pay for most all college expenses, from tuition to every day college expenses, living expenses, transportation, student travel and other college related expenses.

The process of choosing an appropriate loan for college can be intimidating. Borrowers must carefully select the lender and must thoroughly go through their terms and condition. Students and parents must take the loan carefully as it is to be paid back. Before lending loan keep repayment options,interest rates in mind. Always go for the low interest rates, lower the interest rates are cheaper the loan is.

Applying online for College loan by clicking on your desired lender is the fastest way possible for getting loan. There are dozens of website that provides you the facility of Fast College Loan. The process involves reviewing the loan rates, terms and conditions then filling out loan application. Funding is sent direct to the student, not the college or university. Some websites allows you to apply over the telephone.

Fast College Funding offers fast student loans as well as other loans for college, making it easier than ever to apply and obtain a college loan fast.

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